Friday, January 7, 2011

funny how that..

"a tragic event brings people closer"

i always heard this quote but never really thought much of it until recently.

after a friend of mine was in hospital and nearly on her death bed it bought me closer to her and her mom all over again. and i tend to forget to let people know things so here i am,

letting you know.

i've known her since we were 8 and we've been through some crazy shit together yet after 4 years of drifting, there i was sitting and having supper with her this evening. and watching disney channel. and it was the only place i wanted to be. and i had to be there not because "you're her friend so you should be there" or "your mom is friends with her mom" but because she's my friend. and i love her and i wanted to be there.

"you'll be with me, wherever i go"

thank God for your recovery Kirst.


those were the days.

since recently, i've become inspired.

not sure with what exactly. all i know is i'm ready for change. and i know people always say this but it's a new year and i have plans. recently an event took place which made me change my outlook on certain things in my life. at first it was annoying and messed with my mind because if this hadn't happened, i would've been happy with what i had but now i know, it's something i've always wanted and it's possible. and so i'm going for it this year. be ready :)

i just had to have a whole post to tell you that. 

late much?

to all my followers, i apologise profusely for my delay in blogging.

my excuse? i guess i don't really have one. i got back on the 28th of december and from there i could've blogged but i didn't. now that i work it out, i've only been back for 8 days-it's not THAT bad.

i went away up the coast for about 4 weeks and bad weather followed us everywhere. i managed to get 2 full beach days in. sad but now that i'm back in the cape, this heat wave isn't helping and i'd somewhat be happy to go back to the rainy, misty days in december 2010. i really do miss it all.

(time for a fresh start)

but christmas was good. different with my grandfather not there but i guess the puppy my mom decided to get filled that gap a little. it's the cutest little munchkin on this earth.
say hi :)

and new years, well that too was a jam. i was just glad to come back to cape town for one new years and so seeing everyone was lovely. it was much quieter than expected but nonetheless, entertaining. paddy and dan kept the party alive and then by the time we got to muzinberg beach, i think everyone sobered up from the cold and to top it all off, we went to sleep with the thunderstorms belting down. it was beautiful.

nice one matt
(yes, i used your real name)

so that's my short little re-cap of december for you. i could tell you much more but it's very long-winded so rather go see the pictures i put up on facebook. much easier :)

(my internet is being gay and won't let me upload any of my photos so you'll just have to see facebook)