it was the perfect evening.
vickismith. thank you. the whole evening spent on the coolest invention EVER-a trampoline. talking rubbish about sims, website logos, sport cars and hyper cars. small minds being amused by small things like cups and bowls. learning more about some people. and helping one another. having tickling attacks. finding peoples weak spots. realising that there's more going on than we think. BUT we were all with one another-on this little trampoline. and it was all i needed.
(i book the trampoline on newyears vickismith)
the sounds of michael buble at 22:00
while travelling amongst the city lights on boyes drive.
arriving at the harbour. fisherman all out catching their daily fish. dedication i tell you.
the long walk down the promenade. vicki and glenn getting that adrenaline rush as you look down in the dark empty sea wondering "what if?".
we lay there.
on the edge of the promenade. all our feet hanging off.
the dark sea below us rushing against the harbour walls.
we all lay there.
thoughts rushing through every mind. and talking COMPLETE rubbish-
i can't even remember what it was about.
but it was full of laughter.
it's what i needed. and to make it even better, it began to rain. and we all lay there in the rain (me being on the end so having to shelter everyone). but we didn't care. we lay there. put our hoodies and scarves around our heads and waited for the storm to pass.
and it did. it left a "foggy london town" look afterwards. and it was beautiful.
it quite honestly is my new favourite place. so what if i was sick and potentially worsened my condition being in the rain and all (while wearing shorts). it was worth every minute. i needed it.
it was perfect.
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